Winning at all Costs: Soviet Style | Emotional Tactics ( Part 1 )

 Winning at all Costs: Soviet Style | Emotional Tactics ( Part 1 )

Winning at all Costs: Soviet Style | Emotional Tactics

Dear Readers, Today we will start 3rd Point which is an Important Part of Soviet era Strategy " Emotional Tactic "

For Years, Soviets have swept papers aside and lumbered out of meetings without provocation. They may even act personally offensive, all in the interest of provoking, distracting, or intimidating their opponents.

Who can forget Nikita Khrushchev's pounding his shoe on a table at a session of the United Nations? When people learned of that, their shocked reaction was, 

"My God! The man's a barbarian. He desecrated a world body with that kind of behavior. If my child did that, I'd call it a temper tantrum.
Why, if he awakens one morning with heartburn, he's liable to blow up the world!"

Months later, someone enlarged the photo of Khrushchev pounding his shoe, then studied it with a magnifying glass. To his astonishment, there, under the table, were two other shoes, on the Soviet leader's feet. Now what does that mean? As I see it there are 3 Possibilities:

  1. The man has 3 feet. This alternative would appear somewhat remote.
  2. That morning as he was getting dressed, he turned to Gromyko and said, "Comrade, pack the shoe in the brown paper bag. We'll use it at 3:00 P.M."
  3. During the session he called to Commissar Ivanovich, "Pass Down your shoe- we'll need it in a few minutes."
What we are talking about is a craftily planned, premeditated act designed to bring about a particular response. Was that calculated outburst effective? Probably so. People feel uneasy when confronted by irrationality joined at the hip with strength.

they may even be inclined to give in to threats, to avoid getting hurt. It reminds one of the classic joke: Where can a 400-pound gorilla sleep? Anywhere it wants to. That may have been the reaction that the Soviet Union wanted.

Of course, one needn't pound on a table to be emotional. Even a common display of feelings can be used to manipulate. Have you ever tried to negotiate with someone who breaks down and cries? It's a devastating. 

Think of your own experience in this regard. You've got all the facts and logic on your side as you deal with a spouse, parent, or child. Since your evidence is overwhelming, you've got them backed into a corner with no place to go. Suddenly tears well up in their eyes and begin to trickle down their cheeks.

How do you React? Do you think, "Okay, I got'em - I'll move in for the kill"?

The hell you do. If you are like most of us, you back off and say, "Gee, I'm sorry I made you cry. I guess I came on a little strong."

You Probably go even further, " Not only will I give you what you originally wanted, but I'll throw in compensatory damages for making you cry. Here, take my charge card, go into town, and buy yourself something!"

Obviously, I'm not referring only to females crying. My personal opinion is that men's tears are more effective than women's. I say this because I'm aware of a company that's been trying to fire a Big, Husky male foreman for more than 12 months. 

The style of this outfit is to be very discreet. It does not hand out pink slips or ever call someone in and announce, "You're Fired!".

Instead, it sets up counseling session where the personal manager chats with the employee to be discharged about " A Life Beyond the Company's Walls" and other career options. Usually, the employee responds to these subtle hints, leaves on his own, and even saves the company severance pay.

Here's the catch: In the Past year this personnel manager has met with that foreman 4 times. On each occasion he has attempted to cue him that his services are no longer desired. Before they even get to the possible alternatives, the Big Male Foreman has begun to Sob and Wail Convulsively.

This may be an artful acting job, but it unnerves the personnel manager, who afterward always mumbles to a peer, "Look- if you want to fire him, go to it. I can't!" Recently I learned that the outfit has given up on these exit interviews of the foreman. As far as I can tell, he's home free.

Well, Readers we will look more into this discussion in our Next Part.

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