Mastering Negotiation: Understanding the Three Crucial Variables for Success (Part 2) - Power ( Part 1 )

Mastering Negotiation: Understanding the Three Crucial Variables for Success (Part 2)

Mastering Negotiation: Understanding the Three Crucial Variables for Success (Part 2)

Good Day Readers, Welcome to Our Next "Chapter / Part 2" of Our Article "Mastering Negotiation: Understanding the Three Crucial Variables for Success (Part 2)"

In this Chapter We will Discussing the Most Important and Key Crucial Variables for Success.

We will discuss all these Topics of this Chapter in Details . So Don't Forget to Follow My Website & Social Platforms For Future Updates .

So Lets Start with Our First Topic :

Power (Part 1)

Earlier, We defined Power as the Capacity or Ability to get things done ... to exercise control over people, events, situations, oneself. As such, it isn't Good or Bad. It isn't Moral or Immoral. It isn't ethical or unethical. It's Neutral.

Power is a way of getting from one place to another. Let's say you're currently at position A (your present situation or predicament). You want to go to Position B ( your objective, Goal, or Destination). 

Power enables you to go from A to B. It enables you to change your reality to achieve that Goal.

"Power" is a concept with ugly connotations. Why? Because it implies a master-slave relationship, with one side dominating the other. This blanket indictment is out of touch with Life's Realities. When knowledgeable People complain about Power, it is for one of 2 Reasons: 

1. They don't like the way it's being used. It's being employed in a manipulative, coercive, or domineering way; Power over rather than Power to. Power is being abused, and the criticism is Valid.
2. They don't approve of Power's Goal. If the desired end or destination is considered corrupt and exploitative, even the most appropriate means won't make that end acceptable.

Other than in these 2 instances, we see no objection to the use of Power. Power should never be a Goal in and itself. It should be transport to a destination. If we split power from its many possible goals, the goals may be delightfully "Good" or a abominably "Bad", but the power to implement the Goals is a neutral force like electricity or wind. 

Now, you and I know that electricity isn't all bad because occasionally someone gets a shock from it. Air, in the form of wind, isn't bad simply because it occasionally twirls into tornadoes. 

Most of the time, air simply slides in and out of our Lungs. We need it; without it, our bodies would self-destruct. We also need Power to Protect ourselves and to ensure that we have a sense of mastery over our Lives.

You have plenty of power. Use it to sensibly implement objectives that are important to you. You owe it to yourself not to live by what someone else thinks you ought to do.

If you're aware of an injustice- to yourself or someone else- you have the power to act. If you turn away because you believe you are helpless ("What can one person do?"), you'll no doubt feel frustrated and wretched.

When people in our society believe they can't, as individuals, make a difference, it's bad for all of us.

"Powerless" people become apathetic and toss in the towel, which means others have to carry them on their backs, or they become hostile and try to tear down a system they can't understand and don't believe they can control. This attitude pervades our world. Some of its symptoms are declining productivity and senseless violence.

Lynette "Squeaky" From me was one of those who became hostile. She attempted to gun down President Gerald Ford. After her arrest, she explained, "When People around you treat you like a child and pay no attention to the things you say, you have to do something!

The "Something" Squeaky did was psychopathic and self-destructive. Her self-perception was miles off base. She didn't realize that she has other alternatives that were socially Acceptable and Legal. She didn't realize that a Criminal Act, regardless of it's Goal, is almost an Abuse of Power.    

In essence, Power is Neutral. It's a means, not an End. It's indispensable for mental health and nonaggressive survival- and is based upon perception.

Let's Illustrate what it means when we say you have Power. If you Perceive that you have it. Imagine a prisoner in solitary confinement. The authorities have removed his shoe laces and his belt, because they don't want him to hurt himself.

(They are saving him from them for later on.) The wretch slouches back and forth in his cell, holding up his pants with his left hand, not only because he's minus a belt, but because he's minus 15 pounds. 

The food they shove under the steel door is a lop, and he refuses to eat it. But now, as he runs his fingertips over his ribs, his nostrils pick up the scent of a Marlboro cigarette, his favorite brand.

Though a tiny porthole in door, he watches as the lone guard in the corridor sucks in a lungful, then exhales blissfully. Desperate for a cigerrate, the prisoner respectfully taps on the door with the knuckles of his right hand. 

Let's Continue this story in " Power Part 2

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