Emotional Manipulation preys on the subject`s self-esteem in a lot of situations. Especially when it comes to women, self-esteem can be influenced and manipulated through social ideal comparative tactics, as well as personal attacks based on the subject`s feelings of validation and value as a woman.

The "Ideal Woman"

In modern-day culture, especially in America, women are bombarded with a nonstop influx of images and impressions that give them a superficial idea of what or how a woman should look, feel, and act like. Often, this "ideal woman" is oblivious to the position of confidence and self-worth that comes from inside one`s self rather than the validation from others- mostly men. 

These women are raised in a social and popular environment that encourages competition with other women for the attention of men. Social media, Magazine images, and advertisements in all their forms are all complicit in the form of emotional manipulation on a broad scale.

The Manipulate women`s minds with the goal of trading money for self-esteem builders. But in order to be convinced to make this trade, women need to be convinced that who or what they are is not good enough. But - if they just buy this magazine for how to dress or follow this Instagram star who will show you how to be really attractive and give you something emulate - then just maybe, with enough time and attention, you can be good enough! This is a general message perpetuated over time and has now taken over a large part of the mental space that kids and young adults spend their time mired in every single day.

But it`s important to note that men are not immune to these efforts. Images and Social Media pages filled with information about how to get the Perfect body, How to get the women to fall in Love with them are also all over the place.

Immoral Images can shape a young mind`s idea of what immorality is supposed to be like and how they are supposed to act and feel and all the things that a healthy human being would have learned through personal experience and establishing his/her own identity without such superficial outside influence.

However, it is nearly impossible nowadays to be engaged with the world without being inundated with such influences, and this leads to this chapter`s Topic on the Importance of Self-Esteem.


Self-Esteem can be targeted by Advertisements, Social Media, and other forms of Social Influence in Individuals as young as 9 and 10 years old. We know this because research has shown through surveys that many girls start dieting and doing things to alter their appearances and become more socially acceptable around this time in their lives. 

That is a staggering Realization to take in. And the Pressure and Influence only get stronger as we grow older and are faced with new ideas rehashed to fit our Paradigms as we age, adopt new careers, and face marriage, family, etc. These images follow us around for our entire Lives, so how can you foster your own sense of identity and build your self-esteem?

The answers will be a little different for each individual, but the importance of addressing this issue extends to creating a form of defense against those who prey on emotional vulnerability.

One of the most efficient ways you might begin this process is to limit your exposure to social media and any media to which you compare yourself, whether consciously or subconsciously. This can be damaging on a level that we do not even recognize until we are in those moments when we are deeply displeased or even in despair about some aspect of ourselves which we perceive others might deem unappealing or not good enough in some way.

It is important to build up your own sense of self and identity, or else it becomes easy for advertisers to hijack who you believe you are and what you should be. A Dark Psychology user will be able to pick up on someone with exceptionally low Self-Esteem, especially if he is skilled in his tactics. There are certain unconscious signals that we give off when our confidence is low self-esteem.

Body Language such as crossed arms and legs and a lack of eye contact, bad posture, and wide eyes that dart around without a point of concentration all signal self-consciousness and nervousness.

These are like sending a signal directly to the dark psychology user, which says, "I am easy Prey ". The Trick is to manage these body language signals and adjust them even if you are not feeling particularly confident. You can mask yourself and your unease to ward off predatory types while in public. Alternatively, figure out what it is you need in public or at work functions or parties that will help boost your confidence and lessen your self-consciousness.


Perhaps sticking close to a friend would help you feel secure, or talking to someone who seems to have good social skills to teach you how to mingle and talk confidently. The worst thing you could do in a public situation is to go off alone while broadcasting your insecurity. Do not do anything to make it easier for manipulators to get you if possible.

Self-Confidence and building self-esteem on the inside rather than masking insecurity is, of course, the preferable route to building a strong defense against dark psychology users. This Route is not usually easy and will look different for each individual. However, we will offer some tips and suggestions for you to try and see if they don`t help you along.




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