Power ( Part 6 ) - The Power of Commitment

Power ( Part 6 ) - The Power of Commitment

Power ( Part 6 ) - The Power of Commitment

Dear Readers, Today we will Discuss another Important Part of this Topic which is "The Power of Commitment"

As We've discussed that getting the commitment of a large number of people when I Flip the coin enables you to spread your Risk among the whole group. 

It lets you cash in on the favorable odds. By syndicating your Risk you put yourself in a position to exploit the favorable opportunity because the risk is only moderate for you. 

This technique of involving others should be applied to all of life's substantial endeavors where the outcome is uncertain.

For example, if you are about to embark upon a monumental, risky venture, you don't stride up to your boss, family, or associates and proclaim, "This is a big one! It's my Idea! My Proposal! If anything goes wrong I'll go down with it!" No.

That's crazy. Rather, you walk around your office, shop, or home and remind everyone, "We're all in this together!"

In short, don't crawl out alone on a limb that might be sawed off, to become either a hero today or a zero tomorrow. Persuade others to help, get them involved in the planning and decision making, and they will shoulder part of the burden. Remember, people support that which whey help create.

You can make the application of the Power of Commitment of others work for you in 3 ways:

  1. By dispersing the overall risk, you can take advantage of propitious circumstances.
  2. Since your associates share the total anxiety and lend their support, your stress level is reduced.
  3. The shoulder-to-shoulder dedication of your group transmits awesome power vibrations to the other side.
You see, your ability to gain the commitment of others magnifies the impact of your words and gives you power.

Conversely, when the other side perceives that your team or group is "singing from different hymn books," your position is undermined as in the Sears Refrigerator situation, when you, your spouse, and your offspring transmitted conflicting signals to the salesman.

As a further illustration, let's assume that you and 4 others representing your company are about to negotiate with some people from another organization. As you approach the conference table, you assume that everyone on your team sees things your way. When the meeting starts, someone on your side makes an unexpected concession that the other side agrees with.

This generous or revealing comment from out of the blue undermines your negotiating position. Shocked, you half-believe that the other side has planted a spy in your midst.

You're so upset that at the first coffee break, you testily mutter to the offender "Are you sure you're with our company? Let me see your ID, so I will know whom you work for!"

What happened here was that you failed to negotiate for the commitment of every team member before entering the meeting. 

Moral: "Always get the commitment of others in any undertaking. Have them take a piece of the action so it's their action as well as yours. Involvement begets commitment. Commitment begets Power."

On a Broader scale, you know that when a community fails to support local police, Law Enforcement suffers. Banks fail if confidence in their stability wanes. Armies are useless unless soldiers believe in what they're fighting for. 

Vietnam was lost, not because the "Best and Brightest" realized their mistakes, but because commitment eroded in the jungles and at home, and national policy followed.

In Reality, President Richard Nixon's Troop withdrawal ratified a decision that had already been made by the majority who were committed to ending the war.

Returning to the fact that you need never fake your power capacity, because you have much more potential than you think, let me show you some additional sources.

In Next Part we will Discuss :

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