Neuro- Linguistic Programming | Part 2 | Dark Psychology | Zee Global Vision |

 Neuro- Linguistic Programming | Part 2 | Dark Psychology

Neuro- Linguistic Programming | Part 2 | Dark Psychology

Good Day Readers, In Part-2 we will continue with the Topic of "What is NLP" . Dear Readers, We have left it from where NLP research and Tactics individuals use as a way to reprogram.

The good news in this scenario is that research in the past few decades have discovered an innate malleability and plasticity, which are inherent in the human brain. This means that we can teach our brains to react differently if we practice a kind of cognitive re-programming in the moment. Over time and with repetition, the brain will learn to react with complacency and confidence rather than fear and anxiety, and it relearns through retraining what the subject wants to happen in those moments.

The subject in this scenario might first come to terms with the idea that the fear itself is irrational and simply a product of past childhood experiences. When faced with this anxiety, perhaps through showing pictures of spiders to him, the subject will then devise some sort of monologue to go along with the experience.

The monologue might entail that this challenge is about preparation instead of fear and that the anxiety is a step toward understanding instead of anticipation of danger. The information is being received the same way mechanically, but we are rewriting the story we tell ourselves through the brain`s understanding and reactions.

The subject might come up with a certain behavior or mental command, which will redirect the anxiety and change it into something else before the feeling gets out of hand. With time and practice, the stimulus of the spider will trigger the conditioned responses that the brain has been trained to turn to in this specific situation, thus eradicating the anxiety and fear that had once accompanied the stimulus.  

Let us look at another example. Many people suffer with anxiety in a generalized way, which makes the anxiety rise at sometimes unpredictable times throughout the day, and these episodes are often accompanied by panic attacks. 

Panic attacks can be quite debilitating, first as the experience itself is quite uncomfortable, but also because the subject learns to be anxious about the potential of an impending anxiety attack, compounding its effect and impact on a day-to-day basis.

There are different treatments available for this kind of ailment, and rewiring the brain`s response to life`s unpredictable situations can be helpful in this process of alleviating as much anxiety as possible on a regular basis. The rewiring happens as the subject practices a consistent application of a narrative that is different from the one which encourages fear and doubt.

For example, a subject might teach herself to acknowledge anxiety as her body`s way of readying herself for an experience as it becomes hyper-aware of everything in her surroundings. As this is supported and backed up over time and with repetition, the subject might then add in additional ways of processing information as the narrative moves along.

It is a kind of misdirection that enables the subject to move in a different direction than the one that has been developed as a habit based on events and past negative experiences. The subject should work to replace these negative experiences with the positive ones in which the body`s anxiety responses help bring awareness to a situation, helping the subject navigate the scenario successfully. 

The brain is working alongside the conscious self to improve upon a behavior in response to certain information or stimuli, and that is neuro-linguistic programming.

So, We have Discussed This Topic about "What is NLP " in detail. 

So, In Part - 3 of this chapter We will going to start our Next Topic

"How is NLP Used in a Manipulation Scheme?

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